Fatty Acids Catalogue

Stearic Acid

Used in obtaining chemical intermediates of cosmetics specialties, also used as raw material in creams manufacture , deodorants, etc.

Stearic Acid

Used in obtaining chemical intermediates of cosmetics specialties, also used as raw material in creams manufacture , deodorants, etc.

Oleic Acid

TIt has a wide range of uses in the industry, from hair dyes to industrial soaps and high foaming. The esterification of this fatty acid provides esters of great quality for diverse uses.

Oleic Acid

Mixture of oleic and linoleic acids with excellent thermal stability, allowing its use in the pharmaceutical industry.

Palmitic Acid

Used in the cosmetic industry in the creams manufacture, deodorants as emollient and emulsifying agent.

Myristic Acid

Used in the cosmetic industry in the creams manufacture, deodorants as emollient and emulsifying agent.